Lie #7 – Fear Is Foundational

from Helena Sorensen Aman:

Lie #7: “Fear is foundational.”

Fear of God. 
Fear of Satan and his hordes.
Fear of non-Christians.
Fear of other denominations.
Fear of other Christians.
Fear of “other.”
Fear of threats to Christianity.
Fear of people who disagree.
Fear of Christians who backslide/fall away/go too far.
Fear of change.
Fear of the future/end times/final judgment.
Fear of different translations of the Bible.
Fear of false prophets.
Fear of being led astray.
Fear of being wrong.
Fear of missing the will of God.
Fear of divine discipline.
Fear of divine retribution.
Fear of hell.
Fear of the government.
Fear of our history.
Fear of opposing political parties.
Fear of secular influence.
Fear of unanswered questions. 
Fear of losing control.
Fear of emotions.
Fear of process.
Fear of complexity.
Fear of paradox.
Fear of rest.
Fear of healthy confrontation.
Fear of boundaries.
Fear of sexuality.
Fear of spontaneity.
Fear of honesty.
Fear of freedom.
Fear of humanity.
Fear of living.
Fear of waiting.
Fear of suffering.
Fear of dying.
Fear of eternity.

“There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear.” 

I am just one woman in one little corner of the world. But the most frightened people I’ve ever known were people who claimed to be rooted and grounded in Love.

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